Tips for Overcoming Vomiting in Early Pregnancy

PregnancyWeb - Tips for Overcoming Vomiting in Early Pregnancy - Vomiting in early pregnancy is indeed often experienced by the majority of pregnant women. Don't worry, because this sort of thing reasonably experienced expectant mothers on trisemester early pregnancy.

Tips for Overcoming Vomiting in Early Pregnancy, Pregnant Woman, Signs of pregnancy

Some tips that can help you to cope with nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy:

  1. Packed in a little but often. Packed with many portions will make you grow queasy.
  2. Consumption of foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates (bread, potatoes, biscuits) and protein. In addition, the consumption of vegetables and fruits also.
  3. Don't rush up wake-up time. Sit down first, then slowly wake up. If you often feel nauseous when waking up in the morning, enjoy preparing a snack near your bed. Eat first before you try to stand up.
  4. Avoid fatty foods, greasy and spicy that it will increase Your nausea.
  5. A pretty white water consumption, avoid drinks that contain caffeine and carbonate.
  6. Komsumsi vitamin B6 effective for them reduces the nausea in pregnant women. However, we recommend that you consult with your physician prior to use.
  7. With traditional medicine. Here's how: consume ginger juice or ginger candies.
  8. Plenty of rest and relax. Stress will only worsen Your nausea.

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