Some tips that can help you to cope with nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy:
- Packed in a little but often. Packed with many portions will make you grow queasy.
- Consumption of foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates (bread, potatoes, biscuits) and protein. In addition, the consumption of vegetables and fruits also.
- Don't rush up wake-up time. Sit down first, then slowly wake up. If you often feel nauseous when waking up in the morning, enjoy preparing a snack near your bed. Eat first before you try to stand up.
- Avoid fatty foods, greasy and spicy that it will increase Your nausea.
- A pretty white water consumption, avoid drinks that contain caffeine and carbonate.
- Komsumsi vitamin B6 effective for them reduces the nausea in pregnant women. However, we recommend that you consult with your physician prior to use.
- With traditional medicine. Here's how: consume ginger juice or ginger candies.
- Plenty of rest and relax. Stress will only worsen Your nausea.
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