Beware Of Preeclampsia in Pregnant Women

PregnancyWeb - Beware Of Preeclampsia in Pregnant Women - Pre-eclampsia an early symptom of eclampsia, that is poisoning in pregnancy. Pre-eclampsia frequently appears in the third trimester of pregnancy. Usually? the disorder often occurs at 20 weeks of gestation and in women who conceive their first child.

What are the symptoms?

Pre-eclampsia typically characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Increased blood pressure (hypertension) drastically to more than 140/90 mmHg.
  2. The presence of protein in the urine.
  3. Swelling of the ankles, hands, and face. But, as often happens is swelling in the feet.

Other symptoms are also to look out for are:

  1. Dizziness is superb, especially on the forehead above the eyes that is allegedly due to the increased blood pressure.
  2. Gaining weight drastically (for example: increased 1 kg in a week).
  3. Sight impaired, like the eyes of dizzy.
  4. Constipation.

What is the cause?
The cause of the occurrence of disorder pre-menopause eclampsia is not yet known with certainty until now. However, it is often alleged that the pre-eclampsia occur because the immune system problems and due to the entrapment of the blood vessels so that blood vessels in the placenta flow be interrupted.

What's the danger?
Increased blood pressure can cause failure of the organ function and rupture of blood vessels in the brain which could eventually lead to death.

How to handle?
After the diagnosis, the doctor will usually control the blood pressure and check? other organs such as the kidneys, heart, lungs, liver, eyes, brain and nervous system function disorder occurs because it was feared at the organ. In addition, it will also do an examination of the circumstances of the fetus. Checks that determine actions to be taken, whether the pregnancy will be extended or? to? discontinued.

preeclampsia in pregnancy, What is preeclamsia, tips of pregnant

What if the symptoms have not gone?
When the results of the diagnosis turns out to still have not been able to control pre-eclampsia, then the doctor will provide magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) which is an anti drug seizures. The goal is to keep it going eclampsia (seizures due to poisoning of pregnancy), the condition of the continuation of pre-eclampsia that marks the existence of brain organ involvement.

Eclampsia what are the consequences?
Eclampsia may result in disruption of the functions of other organs in expectant mothers. In addition, the delivery of oxygen from the placenta through the umbilical cord to the baby will also be obstructed so that baby does not get oxygen to its full potential, which eventually could lead to a disruption of the development when the baby is born.

Could it have been prevented?
Required to prevent eclampsia is through antenatal control so that if the initial symptoms occurred pre-eclampsia, then it can be prevented and immediately taken action so there happen things unwanted.

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