Depression During Pregnancy Affects Fetal Development

PregnantWeb - Depression During Pregnancy Affects Fetal Development - Pregnancy is supposed to be the moments that most blissful for a mother. But sometimes, as a prospective Mother (especially since this is the first deal with pregnancy) there's just a sense of excessive concern with respect to the closer the process of birth. About 10-20% of women trying to fight the symptoms of depression and a quarter to half of it exposed to severe depression. In a study of 360 pregnant women, then 10% of them suffered depression during pregnancy and only 6.8% who experienced depression after pregnancy.

Depression is a mood disorder that appears in 1 out of 4 women who are pregnant and this is not something special. This disease is always plagued those who are pregnant, but often of them never realize this depression because they consider this occurrence is commonplace occurs in pregnant women, but if not treated properly can affect the baby's Mother conceived.

What is the cause of depression?

Depression during pregnancy is a common mood disorder such as depression that occurs in the lay people in General, where the incidence of depression is chemical changes will occur in the brain.

Depression can also be due to hormonal changes that impact affects the mood of the mother so that Mothers feel upset, sad or saturated. In addition, sleep disorders that often occur during birth process also affects the mother because the face skin became jaded and dull.

In addition, any concerns will be content, often vomiting in the early first trimester, and other problems can also resulting in a mother's depression. The mother will constantly worrying about the State of her baby and this will make the mother feel depressed.

Mothers who are experiencing depression may experience the following symptoms for a little over 2 weeks, such as:

  1. There is a feeling of sadness
  2. Difficulty in concentrating
  3. Sleep too long or a little
  4. Loss of interest in usual activities popular
  5. Desperate, anxious
  6. Embossed feeling worthless and guilty
  7. Any change in eating habits

What is its impact?
According to the results of a study in the USA, women who experience depression during early pregnancy are more likely to encounter the birth before his time.

Depression is not treated as early as possible, will have the impact of bad for the mother and the baby that they contain. There are two important things that might have an impact on babies in the womb, namely:

  1. The incidence of disorders of the fetus is still in the womb
  2. The emergence of mental health disorders in children later

According to Tiffani Field, a Ph.d from the University of Miami Medical School, based on research he had done for 20 years, he found the children born of mothers who have experienced severe depression during pregnancy will have high levels of stress hormones, brain activity is sensitive to depression, showed little expression, and experiencing other symptoms of depression, such as difficult to eat and sleep.

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Dangerous when depression symptoms in the newborn is not immediately addressed, the child develops into an unhappy child. They are difficult to learn to walk, berta bodies less, and not responsive to others. If this situation remains tertanggulangi, the child will grow into a toddler's depression. When starting their school problems, such as aggressive behaviour and easily stressed.

How do I handle it?

Mothers who experience depression should get help from professionals. Because at this time they are the most appropriate place to consult, they later will provide the solution that is best for the mother and the fetus is in the womb.

There are several ways of doing therapy and consultation with obstetrician you like with the method of support group or psychotherapy can be done routinely and periodically or with drugs regardless. If symptoms of depression shown very severe then the obstetrician will probably prescribe some medication to get over it and certainly safe for those who are pregnant. If because of something his mother did not feel at ease to discuss it with your doctor or therapist friends nearby can then be invited to talk to exchange opinions.

In addition, should realize that the people who are invited to speak is so can understand what the expectant mothers feel. Never to fight depression this single-handedly, because in those moments that the expectant mother is in need of someone to share in order to overcome the depression felt.

Importantly, this healing effort should be carried out on the mother and baby. Don't just diterapi, while the baby's mother was left slumped further in depression or vice versa. Mother and baby should work together to cope with his worsening depression. The father should also play an active role in assisting the healing of those closest to it.

The role of the father to the Mother being pregnant and after giving birth to a great image. Pregnant women should get the maximum support from the husband. This can be indicated husband support in various ways such as giving the tranquility on his wife, helping to partially work wife or even just a light pijitan when giving the wife felt sore. Hopefully with the support from the husband, the wife's total past her pregnancy with feelings of love and a lot of depression.

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